The Spring Equinox. Nourishment for growth and renewal
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On March 20, 2024, the vernal equinox will occur in the Northern Hemisphere. It marks almost equal lengths of day and night, although the amount of daylight is slightly greater. In astronomical terms, the vernal equinox symbolizes the first day of spring, with nature gearing up for a period of growth and renewal.
As people move more outdoors to enjoy nature, it's also important to pay attention to our diet. After all, a healthy lifestyle starts with a balanced breakfast. For a nutritious and energetic start to the day, IDorganics offers a wonderful range of mueslis and granolas, packed with nutrients and flavors.
A healthy lifestyle isn't just about big meals, it's also about making wise choices for snacks. A handful of nuts is not only a delicious snack, but also a source of essential nutrients. At IDorganics, you'll find a wide range of nuts and seeds as a perfect option to satisfy that hunger between meals. For example, Salad Mix – the luxury is delicious as a snack but also an ideal addition to your meals, especially in spring with plenty of fresh vegetables. It offers a combination of flavors and nutrients for a healthy and refreshing meal.
Article number: 7008-10